this is my little corner of the internet, i'm glad you've found yourself here! ^_^ my goal with this site is to show off things i've made and to talk about myself and my life, alongside providing some information and resources that might be helpful for others! i am a bit busy all the time so updates may be all over the place, but i will try to update as much as i can. i hope you enjoy your stay and have fun exploring!
i would say that my site is for those 14 and older, i do not feature any nsfw content on my site, but i also do bring up topics like weed and alcohol, as well as swearing. of course i can't enforce this, but just a fair warning if you are uncomfortable with those subjects.
hi, mobile user! the mobile version of my site is currently a work in progress and may not function at its best yet. i have to fix the accessibility menu on mobile, so i hid it for the time being, sorry! you can navigate my site using the blue bars at the top right corner of the screen. if there are any issues that make the site unusable, please let me know!
here are some tips that may help you navigate my site a bit better! if text is blue it's a clickable link, and will lead to a new page or show more information. a lot of textboxes are scrollable, so try it out! if you hover over artwork it will show art credit, and if you hover over pride flags, it will show a description of those too! if you find the text on my site hard to read, i do have an accessibility menu at the bottom right corner that allows you to change how things appear. i'm actively working towards making my site accessibile to all!
if you have comments, questions, or inquiries (no small talk please!), feel free to email me at!